Only one button & tabs

Tap tap tap OR Swipe through to expand buttons

Eye strain relief Blue Light Filter

Force Dark Content Mode

Use selecting text to open Web dictionary or other apps

Search words suggestion & Open Web service or other apps with the words

Fix UI position in landscape

Support iPad

Slide Over Split View

Infinite tabs with thumbnail - Display page title while scrolling

Quick & expandable tree construction bookmark list
A bookmark panel quickly shows up from the right side. Folders inside the bookmark panal can open/close without transitioning the panel.

3D Touch Shortcut

Today widget

Spotlight bookmark search

Icon-View Video Player
Play a video (i.e. YouTube, Vimeo) on the dedicated icon-shape player with multiple gestures and full-screen mode. You can play the video while browsing other webpages, even you leave this app or lock the device.

User Script & User StyleSheet
If you are adept at JavaScript, this app works like Greasemonkey or Stylish.
Tilt scrolling mode
Without touching the screen, you can scroll the web page by tilt the device.
QR/ISBN Scanner
Scan a QR or an ISBN to open its URL or book reviews. You can also convert the current page's URL into QR.
Extract images from the page - Display them in the Gallery
Extract almost all images from the current web page and display them in the dedicated gallery. It's convenient when you want to save or zoom images
Simple view mode
Adopt SymplifyStyles.js to quickly simplify the current page.
Swipe left/right to switch tabs, swipe from the both side edges of screen to back and forth the pages, pull to reload, etc.